Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Frock it! Google random-ness

For this weeks Frock it! over at This mid 30's Life I was lost for inspiration. I had not spotted a single frock all week that stuck in my mind. So I did what any sensible soul would do, I turned to Google!
I typed in "frock" on google images with the intention of using the first frock that turned up and the result was......

read the story behind this stunning gown here.


This Mid 30s Life said...

Oh wow. What a frock.

She is certainly busting out of it isn't she!

Thanks for joining in. Love your idea of turning to Google and selecting the first frock picture.

I'm So Fancy said...

Well on one hand she looks lovely. And on the other I'm concerned for her physical safety. I mean, is she supposed to walk in that thing, let alone go to the potty?

Ellie said...

I love the colour most. I don't think you could even imagine it being as gorgeous in any other colour.

Ellie said...

p.s I am off to try your google frock trick and see what I come up with.

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