Thursday, 25 August 2011


Things in our house have been going through a major change. The Spy has shut down his small business and is heading to uni. Such a small sentence to write but such a HUGH change in our lives.
This means that The Spy is now home pretty much full time and has taken on all of the house hold duties so that I can focus on Baby Boo, Cricket and Bug. Sounds like a dream right? 
Remember that saying that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is?

This isn't exactly a new situation for us, when Bug was born The Spy had the first year off and we all stayed at home together, it was a blast and made the transition to a family much eaiser. This time around though I am in the mind set of the house being my domain, my work place and I know hpw I like things done (or not done) and The Spy has his way. If I am totally honest The Spy is MUCH better at getting the housework done, but he has a wife at home to look after the kids! 

The really good thing is that I haven't cooked since Baby Boo arrived and The Spy has been doing all sorts of fun things like baking biscuits and cooking meringues with cream and berries and making ginger and caramel slice! The floor is clean, the clothes are washed and the shopping is done and best of all the kitchen is sparkling clean.

So why am I feeling a bit miffed?


1 comment:

Rhianna said...

Oh gosh, that all is a bit tough. Hubs here is way better with the whole housework side of thing as well, only not the cooking. Thankfully I still own that one area but I am so terrible with the dishes I rarely venture there. Fairy wishes and butterfly kisses, just relax and enjoy the ride, all will work out in the end

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